The Long Meeting was developed between 2001 and 2003. The meeting points were located during a two-year trip around the world and additional travels. Places were selected at random, following a certain geographic distribution. They are mostly easily accessible and ordinary places, away from urban agitation.
Geographic coordinates are latitude and longitude in the World Geodesic System, WGS-84, which is widely used throughout the world. Locations require a GPS receiver or at least a detailed map for each spot. Accuracy is up to a few meters, yards or feet.
The succession of places in time and the meeting dates have been determined by drawing lots. Dates and hours are given in local time.
The small pictures associated with meetings are now souvenirs taken from or around the meeting places at the time of location. They're just vignettes giving some visual indications about the type of place. They also create a perspective through space, a meeting opening on the following meeting, which opens on the following one, etc…

calendar | map | instructions | | credits